Genuine Balance LLC

Certified Colon Hydrotherapist


Home of Genuine Balance

he benefits that may be expected from colon hydrotherapy treatment:

  • Feeling of well-being due to the removal of mucus, old fecal matter, flatulence and toxic material.
  • Feeling of lightness and clearer thinking.
  • Clearer skin and eyes. The colon, along with the skin, kidneys and lungs are the major organs for eliminating bodily waste.
  • Improved abdominal muscle tone, which helps to re-establish normal peristalsis and regular bowel movements.
  • Expulsion of parasites and worms.
  • Elimination of bloating and loss of weight.
  • Decrease in food cravings.
  • Detoxification and rejuvenation. Fecal matter that remains in the colon due to constipation decays and releases toxins and poisonous gasses into the bloodstream.
  • Reduction of burden on the liver by cleaning and diluting the toxic load in the colon.
  • Helpful in programs to clear up and control candidiasis.
  • Preparation for diagnostic studies such as colonoscopy and barium enema. Also removal of chemical residue after these procedures.
  • Promotion of healing after surgery by enhancing immune system.
  • Useful in drug and alcohol detoxification programs because of elimination of toxins from the blood stream.

The body will repair itself if it is given freedom from congestion and proper nutrition. For a healthy mind, body and spirit, colon hydrotherapy effects all levels of your being. Once you cleanse your colon, your mind and thoughts will be clearer, your body will feel lighter and your spirit will be free of old attachments that you no longer need.